Friday, 19 May 2017

27th April - 29th April

On Thursday the 27th we were due back at the vets today so dad came to collect me and both dogs. We were due there round 11.00 and arrived early as normal. I popped in to use the loo and as I cam out Brendan had finished with his last client and spoke to me. As I got back to the car, Brendan and Hazel came out and asked if we wanted to go in early. We lifted him out of the car and walked him in. He was at this point wearing dressings and a pair of ladies 'Tena' type pants to keep all the dressings in, and his nose out of it! They suggested that we take a wander and get a coffee as it was going to be a fair while before he was ready as he was having laser treatment as well as a full re-dress. We popped next door and got a subway before walking over to Sainsbury's and getting a few bits. We headed back to the vets and I sat chatting to Billie (nurse) whilst dad went to sleep and Brendan and Hazel finished off with Harry. When they finished, Brendan called us back in and I asked about Harry's left which was still swollen. He said that he was happy that it would settle and was just swelling from the surgery. He put a lighter dressing on Harry's wound saying that we could now start to change it on alternate days as it was looking very good. We got home in decent time and I spent the rest of the day keeping an eye on him so that he didn't do anything too exciting!!

On the Friday it was quite nice as we didn't have to change his dressings, this gave us chance to relax a little more and just have a quiet day. Brendan had suggested that we massage Harry's leg to try and get the swelling to go down, however it seemed to be going down of it's own accord by this point.

On Saturday the 29th at around 2pm Julie came up to re-dress it. As she took the dressing off, her reaction of 'oh shit' was rather worrying. I couldn't look at it but both her and Lel had a look also. Lel took a photo and we emailed it straight to the vets. Julie suggested that we go straight over to the vets as it appeared that the stitches had split further and some of the skin graft had not taken and was dying.

We bundled both dogs into the car and headed off to the vets. The afternoon surgery didn't open until 3pm and as I was phoning it wasn't going through to reception. At half past 2 as we were well on the way I managed to get through to Hazel who was on reception. I told her that we were on our way over and may have sounded a bit panicky and told her that we had emailed the picture through. She opened it up and agreed that we were doing the right thing in going through but not to panic and they would have someone see us as soon as we got there.

We arrived at the vets soon after 3 and were put straight into one of the rooms, Hazel popped in to have a look at it and agreed that he needed the vet and she couldn't do anything until the vet came through. Ruth came in to have a look at him, I stayed in for a few minutes but was struggling with chemo nausea and told her this. She suggested that I leave the room so went to wait in reception for a while leaving Lel in there with one of the nurses. Charlotte opened the email and the picture of Harry's wound popped up there. I struggled not to throw up, it was a real mess. After around an hour Charlotte, one of the nurses popped in to see how they were getting on. By this stage he was fully dressed and his wound covered with lots of dressings and tape. They checked that we had enough meds for him for the week, Ruth decided that she wanted us to have another appointment with Brendan on the Tuesday (bank holiday weekend again) in addition to the appointment we had on the Thursday, we paid and left.

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