Monday 24 April 2017

25th March - 13th April

On the 27th of March I was back in work for the day but still feeling a little delicate. I spent the day doing my APR to justify why, even though I have been off, I am still worth my pay grade and recognition of the work that I have done both before going off and since returning. I was mainly left alone apart from people checking that I was ok which was nice and allowed me to get the work done.

On the 28th I was back at the doctors for another sick note, meeting my new GP who felt a bit waffy, especially when I asked for a vitamin D test on my bloods and she said 'is that the one you get from sunshine?' This left me feeling less than reassured. She agreed to another return to work note for a month of 5hours a day for 4 days a week as I had only managed 2 weeks in out of the last month due to being ill and having chemo leave. She also agreed for me to have another blood test before my next chemo so I knew where my bloods were up to and would know that I was healthy enough for it. I had oxygen straight after this so headed straight over.

On Friday the 31st we both had our first dental appointment in over 2 years which fortunately went well, apart from a trip to the hygienist being required, all else was fine. We headed home for the weekend, this being the first time we had been back since Christmas as I had been nervous of travelling since having started Chemo. On the way back we went out for lunch, delayed from dad's birthday 2 weeks previously. We had a nice weekend at home with a lovely lunch at the Spread Eagle at Sawley before heading back over to Salford. Lel, having got her motorway 'legs' found the drive easy and it made it so so much more straightforwards getting home and back.

We had a quiet week, work and home as usual with nothing much doing in between.  On the 3rd, I ended up covering duty pretty much single handedly for the whole of my shift which was ok but a little stressful by the time the late team came in. It was meant to be 2 TMs on with me however they both disappeared off the shop floor leaving me to cover advice, CC advice and reviewing. Whilst by the end of shift I was shattered, it was actually really good for me as it showed me that I still have the capacity to do my job properly and to the same standard that I did before this all started.

The following week, commencing the 10th, I had a couple of appointments. On the 11th I had a Skype appointment with Liz although my Skype knowledge bring limited, I phoned instead and had a half hour chat with her. Again, she said how well I was doing and how she feels I am coping with work and my health in a way that is conducive to my health and well-being.

On the 12th both Lel and I headed over to Christies to see Dr T for our chat. As we got there they were going to send me for bloods however I told them that I was just there to see her for an update, not for Chemo so asked that they would check with her that I didn't need them that day. They confirmed this and we sat and waited for her to be ready for me. Around 20 minutes late we were called though. Soon after she came into the consult room and we asked what 'some response to treatment' meant. She told us that whilst there had been a small amount of shrinkage, they hadn't measured this but what they were happier with was that the signal characteristics of the tumour had improved. Again, I wasn't totally sure what she meant but she seemed pleased by it and I figured it meant possibly that the remaining tumour is appearing less aggressive with the contrast dye. 

On the 13th I had my APR with my boss who agreed that I am doing well and whilst, didn't award me a 4 - the top mark of 2% pay rise, did award me a 3 giving me a 1.5% pay award and also said that she thinks I am one of the strongest and most positive people she has ever me met (including her sister who had cancer and died some years ago) so that was an amazing compliment. She also acknowledged how hard I worked before I went off and since returning and how my dedication to being back is something to behold. She mentioned that HR are still pushing for me to be back, however she is totally supportive in me taking my time to get better and get back in fully.

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